A health coach help you lead a long healthier life. The goals is better health leading to longevity. Before we get into the details of how I do this, let me share some important health coach information with you. Firstly, let’s answer the question, “What is a health coach?”
A health coach is someone who guides you, as you make important changes that will improve your physical health.
During my coaching health sessions, I spend a lot of time focusing on mindset, nutrition and exercise. I find that focusing on these areas help a lot with reducing stress and helping you sleep better.
Of course, working on your time management is important. Without the proper time management skills, you may think you don’t have the time to implement the important changes you need to make for your health. In fact, I have discovered that most people rely on their bad habits as a survival method. They simply don’t know they can make small changes to avoid those bad habits.
“Richard’s skills as a Health Coach (see website here) have earned him a spot on the Coach Foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.”
My 12-week program covers:
Mindset: Recruiting the power of your mind for motivation and intention through my affirmations and visualization techniques.
Stress management: Chronic stress keeps the body in the “fight or flight” mode robbing the immune system of the necessary focus to fight disease.
Routine: Changing unhealthy habits to healthy habits that benefit longevity.
Eating habits: Changing food choices without giving up all your favorite foods.
Sleep patterns: Optimizing sleep to increase both mental and physical performance.
Exercise: Incorporating my very efficient “Fat Burning Secrets” routine into your schedule for optimum time savings as well as increasing strength, stamina, and mental stamina.
Diet: Getting the right food choices with the correct balance of macronutrients for your specific body type.
After 12 weeks, this is what you can expect:
Mental fitness: You’ll realize that YOU and you alone control your fitness and food choices through your mental focus and intention.
Stronger immune system: Reduced stressed, better sleep, improved diet and exercise will lead to the best defense against disease.
Renewed energy: You’ll be excited to get up each day because of increased mental clarity, energy and desire.
Eat for performance: Progress is addictive, and as your diet changes so will your cravings. The mental clarity you achieve will dictate continuing to improve your diet.
Sleep comes easy: Reduced stress, better diet and exercise combined with better routine will lead to a better sleep pattern.
Exercise: Again, progress is addictive, and you’ll have lost body fat and increased muscle mass. Additionally, your physical stamina will have increased many times over.
My personalized plans include educational materials, books and courses that are simple to understand and easy to follow. I will use your personal strengths to create a plan for you to make sustainable changes in your life. A plan will also be created to help you avoid the usual bad habits from your past. I then encourage you, support you, and inspire you to keep moving forward on this journey to a healthier you.
Change is hard. Don’t let any health coach tell you it isn’t.
The benefits truly outweigh the difficulty of those changes though. Imagine lowering your blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels. Then think about how amazing it will feel when your cardiovascular fitness levels soar. Add in less stress and better sleep and you may wonder who this new person is living within your body.
Everyone’s health journey is different. What you are looking to achieve may be completely different than your spouse, friend, or neighbor. This is why my job as your health coach will be to look at your unique situation and needs and then create a plan specifically for you.
Before you know it, you will find yourself following an effortless plan that will have you looking and feeling better than ever.
As your coach, I can provide all of these benefits and more. I have years of experience helping people achieve their weight loss goals through my book, “Fat Burning Secrets: Efficiency in Fitness“, which was originally released in 2009 and has been available on Amazon for years. I am passionate about helping people live healthy, happy lives. My overall approach is longevity and anti aging.
When you work with me coaching health, we’ll start by setting goals that are specific, measurable, and achievable. We’ll also take into account your lifestyle, preferences, and any health concerns you may have. From there, we’ll develop a plan that includes nutrition, exercise, and other aspects of a healthy lifestyle. You may not want to exercise anymore than you currently do…that’s ok. We’ll craft a healthy lifestyle that works for you.
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, manage stress, or simply adopt healthier habits, coaching health with a health coach can provide you with the support and guidance you need to achieve your goals and transform your life for the better. So why wait? Contact me today to schedule your first coaching session and start your journey towards optimal health and well-being. Together, we can create a sustainable healthy lifestyle that supports your physical, mental, and emotional well-being for years to come.
My target audience is busy 50+ year old men who think they don’t have time to worry about weight loss or getting in/staying in shape due to other pressing priorities. I promise it’s easier than it sounds. I have perfected my “Fat Burning Secrets” lifestyle over 15+ years, and I want to personalize a healthier lifestyle for you that fits your needs.
I’m sorry, but I do not coach for bodybuilding contest preparations.