Obesity leads to dementia later in life.

Obesity has been linked to increasing chances to experience dementia later in life.

Excuses to not exercise and eat healthy

I know the excuses early in life:

1. Career

2. Kids

3. Time

But now that you’re in your 40’s, 50’s or 60’s (like me), the career is now stable, the kids are grown, and now you have time. I wrote “Fat Burning Secrets: Efficiency in Fitness” with the time part in mind.

4 hours of exercise per week is all you need. That’s only 2% of your week.

I have followed the exercise, cardio and diet outlined in this book since 2009. It works. Exercise and good diet can’t guarantee dementia prevention, but it will reduce your chances of suffering from dementia by reducing inflammation.

You owe it to your children and grandchildren. Get “Fat Burning Secrets” on Amazon

Buy from Amazon

or, learn more at FatBurningSecrets.tips

Reference: https://practicalneurology.com/articles/2018-mar-apr/the-cognitive-consequences-of-obesity #cognitivedecline #clarity #aging #fatburningsecrets #2minutestoabetteryou #cognitivefunction #cognitivebehavioraltherapy

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