As we get older, even with proper exercise and stretching we tend to hunch over losing the curvature in our back. I remember seeing my father who began hunching over in his 60s. As I approach 60 years old this year, I am determined to take proper care of my spine. I use this yoga wheel to help support the curvature in your back. You only need 5 minutes a day.
If you have back problems, this may just exacerbate the problem, so please see your chiropractor or doctor first. With this product, you can do a couple of things. Firstly, you can just support the curvature of the back as I show in the video. Secondly, you stretch out the spine and vertebrae. Thirdly, you can lean back and cross your arms on your chest and really separate the vertebrae. I can hear crack in my spine when I do this. If feels great once you finish.
Yoga wheel used in this video

Price: $40.87 USD
Dimensions: 12.6″ x 5″
Short description: Strong Premium Back Roller and Stretcher with Thick Cushion for Dharma Yoga Pose, Backbend & Stretching
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