Breathing exercises for anxiety

Buy “Perfect Breathing: Transform your life one breath at a time” https://amzn.to/3iCeJ4j Learn to breathe as we are supposed to using the diaphragm. Authors Al Lee & Don Campbell teach breathing techniques that will boost your immune system to help fight off Covid-19 and whatever the next contagion is. I found this book incredibly helpful, and I use the breathing techniques in my morning meditation. As a result, I have significantly reduced stress and my resting heart rate. Get my book, which includes a 4 week plan on implementing a full program to lose belly fat and support longevity. It includes diet, resistance and cardio workouts: 

"Perfect Breathing" available on Amazon
“Perfect Breathing: Transform your life one breath at a time” by Al Lee and Don Campbell

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Fat Burning Secrets 3rd Edition now available on Amazon.


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