Ready to Shed Excess Fat and Transform Your Life?

Ready to Shed Excess Fat and Transform Your Life?

My 7-Step Fat Burning Solution Method includes a 28-Day Challenge and Fat Loss Course

My 7-Step Fat Burning Solution Method includes a 28-Day Challenge and Fat Loss Course

Let's create the healthiest version of you this year.

Hear what Lawrence says about the 28 Days to a Better You Challenge

Actual reviews on of "Fat Burning Secrets"

Master the art of personalized nutrition by counting macros, tailored to your body type, age, gender, and activity level, and achieve effective fat loss through our comprehensive online course. This is part of the 28 Days to a Better You Challenge.

Transform your mind, body, and health with personalized fat loss coaching for expert guidance, tailored nutrition plans, and support to achieve your weight loss goals.

For a limited time, get this free ebook

The American Heart Association recently reported that paleo and keto diets are NOT heart-healthy

This is exactly why a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is what I follow as my daily diet.
Get this free ebook that details 20 benefits of following a macronutrient-balanced meal plan.

Free ebook, "Power of Balance" by Richard H. Webb

Why this site?

Richard H Webb in white shirt
Richard Webb - Age 61

I created for one simple reason. I wanted to share my insights on long-term health I learned through years of research, trial and error. I also know how busy men and women over 45 are as they balance work, family, social and fitness. I wrote Fat Burning Secrets to share fitness and eating habit combinations that saved me over 12 hours per week of exercise time. The book is available on Amazon in Kindle format as well as paperback on Amazon. Don’t have a Kindle? That’s ok, the Kindle app is free and available for iPhone and Android phones as well as Mac and PC. Now, you can buy the book in PDF download format from this site directly for $14.99. 

In addition to presenting my book, “Fat Burning Secrets“, I also added valuable courses that go beyond the book. “Fat Burning Secrets Solutions Course” is a great add-on course to “Fat Burning Secrets“, and part of the 28 Days to a Better You Challenge that shows you how to:

check mark Eat for your body type

check mark Eat to build muscle and burn fat like a bodybuilder

check markTrack macronutrients like a pro

check markYou also start the 28 Days to a Better You Challenge where we go though the exercises in the book transforming your body and life.

In the first chapter of my book I write about the importance of getting your mindset for success. The body’s not going to go where the mind does not tell it to go. I have benefited greatly from positive affirmations in all aspects of my life, so I created a new product where you give us 1 or 2 goals, and we’ll create a 15 minute personalized affirmation audio track to help you achieve your goals. See our Health Affirmations for more information.

I also promote products on my shop page that I use and recommend based on my experience. These products range from protein powders and bars to brain supplements.

In the Health Tips, you will find my blog offering other health information beneficial to long-term health. Thanks for visiting, and I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter. 


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    Before you go...Do you know your body type and your body fat percentage?

    Watch this free video to calculate
    Note: This covers two steps of our 7-step
    Fat Burning Solution program

    Fat surrounding organs is known as visceral fat and is quite common among obese people.