Free workout plan HIIT for home based on my book, "Fat Burning Secrets." You'll love this high intensity workout plan.


This HIIT workout at home that is based on the principles in my book, “Fat Burning Secrets.” The book assumes you have access to a gym, but due to Covid-19 I adapted the workouts to make a great full body workout at home using only body weight and bands. There are two home workout plans included in this video. Alternating between them and adding the abdominal cardio routine on days in between and they make an excellent fitness workout from home.  But here’s the thing, this is not just a fitness workout from home, everything I show you in the videos can travel with you in a check-in bag. I do these workouts in hotel rooms, AirBnBs, etc. Watch the video above, then scroll down and I show you how the plan works. Also, just like in my book, this high intensity workout plan will have you exercising only 4 hours per week. That’s including the 3-full body workouts and the two cardio sessions. By following a high intensity workout plan, you workout less and use less weight because you’re keeping the muscles under constant stress for 45-70 seconds each set. So, you only perform one set per body part, per workout.

A great way to follow this plan is to join my 28 Day Workout Challenge where you’ll get my exclusive fat loss course, “Fat Burning Secrets Solutions” and learn how to eat for your body type, gender, age, and activity level. Then, you take part in my ‘28 Days to a Better You” challenge that will transform your mind and body. With the course, you also get 3 of my books in ebook format as bonuses.

Two Home Workout Plans - both full-body

Workout 1:  time=45 min

1. Split Squats – Leg workout:

Leg workout for

2. Stair Calves – same link as above

3. Pull down (bands) – Back workout:

Back workout at home for

4. Push ups – Chest workout:

Chest workout at home for

5. Lateral raises (bands) – Shoulder workout:

Shoulder workout at home for

Workout 2:  time=45 min

1. Squats (bands) – Leg workout:

Leg workout for

2. Rows (bands) – Back workout:

Back workout at home for

3. Chest press. (bands) – Chest workout:

Chest workout at home for

4. Shoulder press (bands) – Shoulder workout:

Shoulder workout at home for

5. Curls (bands) – Arm workout:

Arm workout at home for

Here are some other useful videos

Use this HIIT routine twice a week for your cardio in my program.
HIIT ab routine for
Time under tension is the key to the effectiveness of this program.
What is time under tension? Learn more.
A great addition to the workouts at home, and I show you in this video.
Product Review: Tikaton Resistance Bar Home Gym

Here's the plan:

One full body workout 3 times per week separated by one day for rest.

For example:

  1. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, do one of the above workouts and alternate back and forth each workout. On Monday, do workout 1, and then on Wednesday, do workout 2, then workout 1 again on Friday.
  2. Tuesdays and Thursdays, do the HIIT ab routine I list under the workouts above.
  3. Saturdays and Sundays, rest and eat healthy.
Includes three resistance tubes:
check mark20 lbs. (green)
check mark30 lbs. (red)
check mark40 lbs. (blue)
Comes with:. 2 handles. 2 ankle straps. 1 door stop, manual, and nylon carry bag for storing or transporting gear. Training manual assists you with use.

To get more information about Richard Webb

One link for all social media: LinkTree


#FatBurningSecretsAtHome #2MinutesToABetteryou #FatBurningSecrets #fullbodyworkout #workoutathome


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