Product Review: Resistance Bar

Tikaton Resistance Band Bar came across as an ad on my desktop. As part of my Fat Burning Secrets At Home workouts, I ordered it and liked it so much I incorporated it into my workouts at home. It’s a great X3 Bar alternative and not nearly as expensive.

In this video I show you how to incorporate it into my full body workouts (see link below to the full body workout post).

Tikiton Resistance Band Bar – best exercises

I found this resistance band bar to be especially effective at working out (all demonstrated in video above):
  • Back
  • Shoulders (overhead press & lateral raises)
  • Curls

Tikaton stopped manufacturing this product, so I switched to Foser Portable Home Gym.

  • Price: $US 76.00
  • Ships from US
  • Enables full body workouts
  • Portable-travels well-making again a X3 Bar alternative (portable, but a larger footprint)
  • Workout anywhere

I have used this resistance bar for 8 months as of the posting of this video. I’ve seen absolutely no degradation in the resistance of the band nor any wear and tear in this resistance bar. I do substitute these resistance bar exercises for the bands in my workouts because it fits well into my time-under-tension workouts found in my book, “Fat Burning Secrets”. I highly recommend the Tikaton Resistance Band Bar for workouts, and enjoy it as a great X3 Bar alternative, for sure.

One of my primary 

Get my book, Fat Burning Secrets,”  which includes a 4 week plan on implementing a full program to lose belly fat and support longevity. It includes diet, resistance and cardio workouts.

Unlock the true potential of your fitness journey with the power of the strongest mind. Discover how ‘Powerful Mind’ can guide you to achieve not only physical strength but also mental resilience. Invest in yourself and give yourself the strongest mind possible.

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The Tikaton bar was discontinued, so I replaced mine with the Foser Portable Resistance Bar

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